Saturday, July 11, 2009

The 566th Air Force Concert Band

A large crowd enjoyed the Friday evening "America The Beautiful Concert" featuring a 40- piece member Air Force Concert Band. Selections included many Americana songs, pieces from the musicals "Wicked" and "Les Miserables" and the American National Anthem. One of the tuba players sang a few wonderful solos with his band. People carried in their lawn chairs and blankets to sit on the grassy area surrounding the bandshell.

The Eagan Rotary Band Shell was given several years ago almost entirely as a gift from the Eagan Rotary Club to the city of Eagan.


Allison said...

They didn't call the new Rotary President up to sing the National Anthem? How bosh!

Chin said...

Thanks to share this photo


thanks for your's lovely comment.

Lois said...

My daughter is a high school band director, so I always enjoy a good band concert!

Lowell said...

That's nice. Band moosic is nice. The Rotary is nice. The bandshell is nice. Eagan is nice.

In response, however, to Allison's comment about the new prez of ze Rotary singing: do you know the sound of vehicle brakes when they're wearing out?

Not nice.

Have a moosical day!

Allison said...

But, Jacob, do you not know that Safe Leif was a member of the SP Concert Choir in high school? Yes indeed, an honor and a distinction it is.

Gabriele said...

Ich bin es wieder... Vielen Dank für Deine schnelle Antwort. Ich bin froh das ich Dir in Deutsch schreiben kann das macht es einfacher für mich. Du hast geschrieben Du warst in Paderborn und Konstanz ...dann hast Du ja schon ein wenig von Deutschland kennen gelernt. Warst Du schon einmal in Berlin? Ich war auch schon einige Male in den USA (Miami, LasVegas e.t.c.). Und immer wenn ich mich mit Amerikanern unterhalten habe ...hatten sie eine Geschichte über Deutschland zu erzählen. Entweder sie haben Verwandte oder Bekannte in Deutschland oder haben schon einmal dort gearbeitet so wie Du. Ist schon witzig....jeder hat eine Geschichte zu erzählen. Ich war noch nie in Minnesota ...vielleicht sollte ich mir das auch mal anschauen.

Ok, genug Deutsch für heute:-)
Bis bald...Grace

VP said...

Nice photos and I like the repertoire, so again my compliments to the new president as organizer and photographer!

EG CameraGirl said...

What fun to listen to live band music!